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Category: FAQ


Why Does My Shower Whistle?

Did you open your shower one day to a loud, high-pitched whistling sound? If so, your first reaction may have been fright or confusion. After the initial shock subsides, you’re probably wondering why your plumbing fixture is making this strange noise.Our experts at MT Drains and Plumbing are here to

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I need a plumber

I Need a Plumber – How Can MT Drains & Plumbing Help

More often than not, we think that we can do something by ourselves to save time and money. This is especially true when it comes to home repairs. There are a lot of less obvious signs that we should call a plumber, which we might not notice at first. It isn’t until those minor issues turn into huge, unavoidable problems that we realize that contacting a professional plumbing service is the best course of action.

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pipe that makes noise when water isnt running

What Causes Pipes to Make a Noise When Water is Not Running

From taking a bath to cooking or doing laundry, you count on your plumbing system to supply water throughout your house and help you complete your daily tasks. However, sooner or later, your pipes may start making strange noises. Unexpected plumbing issues can interfere with your day-to-day life and cause

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basement leak where wall meets the floor

Why Does My Basement Leak Between the Wall and Floor?

At a glance, basement waterproofing may seem simple, but it isn’t always so. Some parts of the basement require special attention when waterproofing or you’ll end up with wasted materials and a big moisture problem on your hands. One particular basement moisture leak that many homeowners struggle with is water

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residential bathroom with slow draining toilet

Why Does My Toilet Drain Slowly Then Gurgle?

When a toilet drains slow, then gurgles, it is unnerving, to say the least. On the one hand, it may be a one-off event. On the other hand, it may be a sign of more serious problems.There is a multitude of potential explanations for why your toilet doesn’t flush the

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Curtain Drains

What is a Curtain Drain? How is it different from a French Drain?

A curtain drain is an underground trench that slopes downward. It usually begins around two feet below ground level and is one and a half feet wide. Gravel fills the hole to give the water somewhere to go. A French drain sits at ground-level. You can see the gravel even with the ground around it. These are frequently installed in yards or on lots that already have some slope to them. French drains can take advantage of the existing terrain and move water accordingly.

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